Posts in April 2020
This Is Entrepreneurship: Rachel DesRochers on Guilt

You have everything inside of you to do whatever you feel like you're put on this earth to do, but you have to start. You have to take that first step; you have to try. You have to break away from the fear, which is terribly hard because you're going to fail. You're going to be laden with guilt because you've messed something up, or you've mixed up days and you've missed something. Or, you could not.

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Sex Talk, Chapter 7: Books and Sex in the Time of Quarantine

Babes – it’s crazy out here. I can’t lie that I have been overwhelmed, underwhelmed, overworked, and lacking sleep the past couple of months. This quarantine comes at an interesting time for me, and I hope it finds you able to step back from the complexities of your typical day-to-day life to find positive changes to come. I hope everyone is staying safe, above all. This month I wanted to give you a few sex reminders for this strange time, and my book recommendations as of the past week.

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Home Away from Home: Kanshka Buch

So, it started when I met this woman, and she was collecting saris – which are Indian fabrics – for refugee women to make purses. She showed me some pictures of those purses, and, you know, in the back of my head, I was like, "Do they sell these? They should be selling them.” They looked outstanding.

I asked her, and she said, "No, we just make them for fun." From there I started brainstorming ways to help them sell those products and get a little bit of financial independence. I knew that immigrant women – especially when they don't speak English – don't have a lot of freedom on what they can do. So that's where it all came about. I was able to relate their experiences to my own immigrant experience. While I only understand a snippet of their struggle, it drove me to want to make a change.

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