We begin each day greeted by their smiles: a poem

Poem by Christina O’Donnell. Photography by Chelsie Walter.

Each day begins with big toothy smiles,

But these tragic events have left us all in denial.

There is no answer or magic potion

No way to quell the brimming sea of emotions.

We are educators, equipped to teach,

Equipped to love, listen, and speak

Ready to hug, laugh, and scold

To take on each day while young lives we mold.

There shouldn't have to be guns in schools,

Where children should be safe, with limits and rules.

There shouldn't have to be guards at a gate,

Or metal detectors, alarms, and red tape.

A school is a safe space, a second home

Where minds are shaped, and ideas are born,

A senseless act fueled by illness and shame

Has set the modern world quickly aflame.

Lives were lost, our system has failed.

Their families destroyed, lives derailed.

Children bereft of their futures so bright

Guns sold to youths, please someone make this right.

Mental health and guns need more attention,

Wayward children need more direction.

How do we prevent this violence from entering schools?

Seeping into social media and into our nightly news.

Please keep our children safe and remember our teachers

Protecting our kids, our future leaders.

Hug your young ones tightly, and pray when you wake.

Those in charge have tough choices to make.

Make a change, we implore you, we plead.

Now is the time to show how strongly you lead.

Make a change, we implore you, we plead. 

Now is the time to show how strongly you lead.